Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Less than a year

By the grace of God, Grace Bible Church of Rancho will have its official launch service less than a year from now.

In preparation, my family and I spent ten days visiting churches sharing our plans, recruiting helpers, and requesting financial help. We gave out more than 400 of the brochures that are pictured in my last post, and we are praying that God will work through those means.

Our confidence is in Christ who alone can build His church and who has promised to do so. Our goal is to promote His fame through obedience to His great commission by means of church planting. We desire to be usable, and will trust Him to do what He wants with us.

Now continues the important work of edification and equipping at GBC Menifee, making contact and meeting with prospective people for GBC Rancho, and preparing ourselves and a team to go next year.

God has been connecting us with more people interested in GBC Rancho, and our goal is to meet with each of them to build those relationships. We also want to encourage as many as can to attend GBC Menifee at least some as they wait for the new church to meet.

The time table and other plans are in the brochure and past blog posts. We are grateful to be close enough to our target area to meet people and get to know the area gradually. The Lord will provide the people and funds that He knows we will need in His own way and time.

We desire to see a healthy church plant begun less than a year from now. As we prepare, our delight is to do what we believe is God's will and to rely on Him completely to promote His own glory through the local church particularly in Menifee and then Rancho Cucamonga.